ROUNDLED.TXT INFORMATION/GUIDENCE FOR USE {If using notepad to view this file, please ensure Word Wrap is on.) Summary of Non Standard Properties 1. AutoSelectColor (True/False) With this property set to True (the default) when you modify LedOnColor, LedOffColor is automatically updated and visa-versa. Note: If you change the setting from False to True, LedOnColor & LedOffColor will not change immdiately. When you modify one, the other will automatically be adjusted. 2. BlinkRate (0-65535) The speed at which the LED blinks if LedStatus is set to lsBlink. The time is expressed in milliseconds. The default is 1000 (1 second). 3. LedOnColor - The color displayed when LedStatus is set to lsOn. (See AutoSelectColor) 4. LedOffColor - The color displayed when LedStatus is set to lsOff. (See AutoSelectColor) 5. LedStatus - (lsOff, lsOn, lsBlink) Allows overall control of the LED. NOTES: 1. The LED is a square bitmap but appears round by setting one of the bitmap colors to match the color of the form. This updates automatically as the form color changes. Because of the typecasting in the code, the LED component MUST ALWAYS BE PLACED DIRECTLY ONTO A FORM, not in a groupbox or a radiobox etc.